ITA develops a decomposable double bass made out of carbon reinforced plastics


ITA and mezzo-forte strike the right note with a decomposable double bass made out of carbon reinforced plastics

The Institut für Textiltechnik (ITA) of RWTH Aachen University and the company mezzo-forte Streichinstrumente, Werther, Germany, jointly developed together a decomposable double bass made out of carbon reinforced plastics whose neck and corpus can be dismantled through a junction made out of carbon reinforced plastics, too. This leads to a big advantage in terms of transport: The decomposable double bass measures 1.10 metres in the length instead of 2 metres length in disassembled condition.

mezzo forte's double bass with detachable neck, source mezzo-forte

mezzo-forte’s double bass with detachable neck, source: mezzo-forte

See the entire press release here.