About Us
MedLife is a life sciences competence network. We are active within the sectors of medical technology, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, health management and analytics.
Our goal is to develop the Technology Region Aachen to an innovation location. We want to strategically integrate the life sciences into the current structural change and in the future shaping of the region.
We are the contact for entrepreneurs and scientists, who seek exchange with other protagonists in the life sciences.
MedLife provides individual support to new companies and start-ups.
We face the current shortage of skilled workers in the life science industry with targeted projects, events and dedicated support of young talents. We inform about inspiring job and career opportunities in the region.
For our members, we operate as lobbyists regionally, nationally and transnationally.
If you are looking for support or contact to the local life sciences network? Feel free to contact us and become a part of this unique and future-oriented network.