The online workshops are limited to 20 participants/ workshop. First come, first serve. Worshop language is English and/ or German.
The workshops are parallel, so have to choose only one workshop to register for.
Workshops are free of charge. Registration is mandatory and open until 19.05.2021!
Date: 25th of May 2021
Time: 09 am – 12 pm
Only one workshop/ person is possible (they are all at the same time)
>>> Register now | Workshop I: Klinische Daten: Klinische Bewertung, PMCF & Co. Speaker: Dr. Nadine Leistner; MEC-ABC GmbH |
>>> Register now | Workshop II: Qualitätsmanagement Speaker: Dr. Theophil Rieger; Dr. Rieger QMS |
>>> Register now | Workshop III: Software als Medizinprodukt Speaker: Tobias Klingenfuss; TWT Digital Health GmbH |
>>> Register now | Workshop IV: Spannungsfeld Haftung und Audit bei Lieferketten Speaker: Peter Knipp; qcmed GmbH and Thomas Priesmeyer; TWT Digital Health GmbH